Bourton-On-The-Water | Northleach | Elkstone - North Cotswolds

Reflexology for Natural Pain Relief & Deep Healing

Everyone can benefit from Reflexology. But if you’re experiencing chronic pain, stress and anxiety or living with “invisible” symptoms then you’re in the right place.

And breathe… I’m so glad you’re here

Self care isn’t easy when you’re anxious, fatigued and in pain. I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve not been able to find relief anywhere else. The good news is that Reflexology is used very successfully alongside conventional NHS healthcare and scientific research studies, albeit small, are revealing positive outcomes for an array of conditions.

Does this sound like you?

✔︎ You’re experiencing persistent unexplained symptoms despite eating healthy, being active and taking supplements

✔︎ Your doctors keep saying your tests are all fine, but you don’t feel “fine”

✔︎ You’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness without being offered any support for managing symptoms

✔︎ You’ve experienced medical trauma so you’re anxious and hyper vigilant about your body

✔︎ You get asked why you’re so emotional or stressed all the time

✔︎ You’re tired of being tired and yet people keep saying “But you don’t look sick”

you're in the right place

Hi, i’m Chrissy

I know first hand what it feels like to be mystified by your symptoms and being misunderstood by everyone around you.

Finding Reflexology was eye-opening - I’d never heard of it before. But it was the first time I’d felt heard, held and validated. It was also the first time a treatment had given me any relief from my crushing fatigue, migraines and pain.

Since then, i’ve become passionate about Reflexology and giving that same relief to others going through chronic pain.

Reflexology can support you managing:

01 Chronic Pain & Inflammation

Pain is mostly normal but often a sign of imbalance in the body. Reflexology helps the body return to a state of balance by activating the healing response and improving neural pathways (the messaging to/from the feet, brain and organs) via stimulating congested reflexes on the feet.

02 Ongoing Fatigue

You may be exhausted from poor sleep, excess stress or a side effect of treatment or medication (brain fog is no joke). The peaceful slumber often induced during a Reflexology treatment is a clear sign your body is in need of deep rest and you’ll leave feeling lighter and re-energised.

03 Stress & Anxiety

Being chronically in fight-or-flight mode can result in debilitating physical symptoms such as palpitations, allergies, IBS, insomnia, hormone imbalances and more. Regular sessions of Reflexology help to mitigate these negative effects by activating your body’s rest-and-digest response, allowing your nervous system to regulate itself.

Are you struggling with“invisible” symptoms?

Auto-Immune Disorders (Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto's, MS)







Inflammatory Disorders (Celiac disease, Psoriasis, Asthma, Crohn’s disease)




Long Covid


EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) + POTS


Addison’s Disease /Adrenal Insufficiency

Endocrine Disorders (Perimenopause, Acromegaly, Cushing’s Disease)


Reflexology With Chrissy Gift Voucher Cotswolds

🎁 Gift someone a treat(ment)

Do you know someone who’s burnt out or needs some TLC? Treat them to some Reflexology.

A voucher is emailed to you for printing + posting. Or simply forward the email to them with a kind message.

Reflexology is a gentle, non-invasive therapy that induces deep healing and emotional wellbeing.